Consumer Behaviour in Tourism, 2-e
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Consumer Behaviour in Tourism takes a broad view of tourism and looks at consumer behaviour in a number of sectors including:
tour operation tourist destinations hospitality visitor attractions retail travel transport
童書/青少年文學新書上架_博客來e-couponNow fully revised and updated, the second edition of this bestselling text looks provides an international perspective on consumer behaviour in tourism through the use of numerous examples and case studies drawn from a range of different regions of the world; an exploration of national differences in consumer culture; the dissemination of research findings and concepts from a number of different regions of the world. This second edition includes new chapters on ecotourists, destination image and choice, terrorism and the tourism market, the internet and tourist behaviour and the rise of the no frills markets. It also includes new material on health concerns and government travel advice, events and festivals, business travel, national and cultural differences and more.
Each chapter features conclusions, discussion points and essay questions, and exercises, at the end, to help tutors direct student-centred learning and to allow the reader to check their understanding of what they have read.
Cases include: Las Vegas, Nevada, USA; Currency exchange rates as a determinant of tourist behaviour; The adventure tourism market in the USA and New Zealand; The Chinese tourism market; The Islamic tourism market; The impact of terrorism on tourist behaviour; The health tourism market including cosmetic surgery tourism; The UK outbound market; The international conference market; Travellers experience websites; The international theme park market; The festivals and events market around the world 'Dark' tourism
- 對焦新品_網路書店
作者: John Swarbrooke, Susan Horner
新功能介紹- 出版社:桂魯
新功能介紹 - 出版日期:2007/01/01
- 語言:英文
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教育部台南市聯絡處安排在陸軍步兵203旅大內靶場舉辦實彈射擊,台南市48所高中職校、4所大專校院2萬2000名學生近月將分批接受震撼教育,也有行動不便身障生在旁人攙扶下也來體驗,過程令人動容。「左線預備,右線預備,前線預備,開保險開始射擊???」,這次實彈射擊由新營高中360名學生荷槍實彈上陣,隨著國軍輕兵器換裝,射擊使用槍枝也從T65K2步槍,更換為T91步槍,新營高中校長郭調清也親自下場體驗。今天上午安排國立南科實中、港明高中、台南一中高三學生上陣,每人發送5發子彈,聽從現場指揮官每個步驟後,確認安全無虞開始射擊,現場「砰!砰!砰!」槍聲此起彼落。「我終於實現自己願望了!」台南一中鍾姓、南科實中蘇姓學生行動不便,今在靶場官兵們攙扶、引導下,緩緩趴在靶場,完成射擊夢想。兩人說,「這是一輩子的夢想。」第一次聽到子彈射出聲響,心中有莫名的激動,「終於辦到了。」港明高中學生蔡智峰、周順鴻說,一開始上場時有點緊張,隨後穩定情緒後反覺得心情有些興奮,很快5發子彈就射擊完,還能聞到濃濃火藥味,可說是意猶未盡。多名國立南科實中雙語部美籍、德籍學生對於初體驗,也覺得相當新鮮。教育部台南市聯絡處助理督導韓世偉雙胞胎女兒韓瑜、韓璇就讀新營高中,也下場打靶,意外在靶場與父親相見歡,留下特別一幕。「感謝陸軍步兵203旅官兵大力支援。」韓世偉說,實彈射擊意義與全民國防理念密不可分,203旅弟兄們默默付出,是幕後功臣。港明高中學生參與實彈射擊。記者謝進盛/攝影 分享 facebook 行動不便的國立南科實中蘇姓學生經旁人攙扶緩緩走進靶場。記者謝進盛/翻攝 分享 facebook 教育部台南市聯絡處助理督導韓世偉(圖中)雙胞胎女兒韓瑜(左一)、韓璇就讀新營高中,這次也下場打靶,父女3人相見歡。記者謝進盛/翻攝 分享 facebook 台南一中鍾姓學生從輪椅下來由旁人協助準備打靶。記者謝進盛/攝影 分享 facebook 南科實中外籍學生也體驗打靶震撼教育。記者謝進盛/翻攝 分享 facebook 學生們在靶場等候準備上場。記者謝進盛/攝影 分享 facebook 女學生在203旅弟兄們引導完成實彈射擊。記者謝進盛/攝影 分享 facebook
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